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Here is how to get an answer to all your questions about Nuro!

To make sure you never have to shoot more than one take for any video, ever again, we created many practical resources so you’re never stuck.

To get the most recent, up-to-date tutorials and demos:

Watch our founder explain how to get started with Nuro!

Or you can simply write to us!

In order for us to respond to your request, please tell us about you:

We ask you to indicate your email twice, to make sure there is no typo (otherwise we couldn't get you an answer!)
Please indicate your country's calling code (e.g. +1 for US and Canada)

In order for us to understand what you need, so we can give a useful and timely answer:

1 entrepreneur named Paul has 2 clients and thanks to Sebastian, finds 10 more clients, how many clients does Paul have now?

Write your answer in figures (example: 15) and do not spell it out in letters, please.

Are you ready to finally earn a living and a fortune through what you know?
Let's publish your first neurovideo right away!

OneTake (previously called is an AI-driven video editor that fully automates the video editing process.

We help experts, course creators, authors, coaches and consultants who have valuable content to share and want their students and clients to watch their videos to the end.

Since OneTake creates those videos with a single click, our customers save tens of hours of grueling editing work and tens of thousands of dollars of freelancer costs.